Excuse my ignorance im just curious.

  • @rationalistfaith@lemmy.ml
    01 year ago

    Porn should be illegal. It destroys the meaning of sex. Porn is packed with human trafficking and exploitation. Porn wrecks one’s brain.

    I pray that porn becomes illegal.

    • BackOnMyBS
      01 year ago

      while i don’t necessarily disagree that porn can destroy the meaning of sex and wreck one’s brain, i really would prefer the state stay out of my business. i think a better approach would be to provide education on how porn affects us and avenues to seek help should someone fall into an addiction. however, getting the state involved on what people can and cannot say is too much control for my comfort.

      • @rationalistfaith@lemmy.ml
        01 year ago

        I understand your POV but porn is as bad as hard drugs (because it is). We clearly can’t regulate it given how many children get sucked into it. So letting government block this isn’t the same as government overstepping into other spheres of freedom.

        Excessive freedom that hurts our species isn’t “freedom” but a hidden addictive trap that hurts us on a multi-generational level.

        • @jerkface@lemmy.ca
          01 year ago

          “Porn is as bad as drugs” is a privileged opinion of someone who’s never lost anyone to addiction.

          • @rationalistfaith@lemmy.ml
            01 year ago

            Porn destroys families which in turn creates broken children that turn to drugs, including porn.

            Suicide rate is high with men and their depression is fraught with addictions including porn.

            • @jerkface@lemmy.ca
              1 year ago

              You know what causes even more addiction to drugs than porn does? Fucking drugs do.

              You know what destroys orders of magnitude more families than porn? Surprise! It’s fucking drugs, again.

              • @jose423A
                110 months ago

                Addiction requires a cage being attempted to be escaped. Porn and drugs are similar in the sense of trying to escape some sense of personal hardship. Both porn and drugs are an effect, not the cause.